YOUTH GROUP: All students grades 5-12 are invited. Pastor Leslie and her husband Donald run a relational ministry that meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm, with dinner being served each week. The Youth group also meets the 3rd Sunday of each month at 11am (following worship) for lunch together followed by either a mission or other fellowship time.
Youth group meets from September to May during the school year, with additional summer activities planned from June-August. Friends are always welcome!
BIBLE STUDY: Pastor Leslie and others teach several Bible study classes throughout the year. Check out our Events tab for information on when those are available.
Most Bible studies are hosted in a hybrid model, with those attending in-person in the church library and those online via Zoom.
Topics vary throughout the year and include subjects such as the history of the early Church, formation of biblical scripture, the Old Testament, and New Testament. In addition, church-wide studies are offered during Advent and Lent.
CONFIRMATION: Beginning in September, 2023, Pastor Leslie will be teaching our newest Confirmation class. Check back later for more updated information.