Cross Roads Began in 1992
Cross Roads Community Church was chartered as a United Methodist congregation in 1992, with just 37 charter members.
The Original Building was Built Without Debt
The land the present church stands on now was obtained in 1996. Even before digging the footings, members spent a week walking and praying over every square inch of their new property. The congregation pitched in to complete their worship space (the present Fellowship Hall) in 1998, without any debt. The original 37 members had grown to 100. By 2004, the Cross Roads Church family had grown to the point of needing an addition, which became our current sanctuary in 2005.
Celebrating 30 Years
Today, Cross Roads Community Church is home to over 120 members and many more summer visitors who enjoy our nearby lake country. Ministries, ministers, and members may change over the years, but the heart of the ministry remains the same. “Go, and make disciples of all nations, teaching and baptizing.” God willing, we look forward to many more years of ministry together!
Rev. Leslie Zeek
Title: Pastor
Email: pastor@crossroadsspicer.com
Phone: 320-403-4838
Pastor Leslie was appointed to Cross Roads in July, 2019. She previously served in the North Carolina Annual Conference as a student pastor while attending seminary at Duke Divinity School.
Prior to seminary, Pastor Leslie served full time as a Children & Youth Director for a UMC church and part time in a PCUSA church.
She is married to Donald, and they have two adult children, Cera and Micheal.
Kendra Pflipsen
Title: Office Administrator
Email: office@crossroadsspicer.com
Phone: 320-796-2339
Kendra has been with Cross Roads for over 21 years, and has served our congregation faithfully not only as our Office Administrator but also helping with youth group, Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, and much more.

We are a casual congregation which ranges in age from birth to 90 years old. We offer a hybrid worship service, mixing contemporary music led by our Praise Team, along with traditional hymns. Our focus is on loving each other and sharing in the journey called life. We participate in various Mission and Outreach opportunities including:
Compassion Children
The Link
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
Bless A Home
Family Promise
Meals on Wheels
Special Olympics
Knit & Pray Group
Domestic Violence
Red Cross Blood Drives
Our congregation is located between the communities of Spicer and New London in west central Minnesota. We are a mix of folks who grew up in Minnesota and those who have relocated from other areas. Some members of our congregation have been with us since the birth of the church and some as little as a few months. Everyone is welcome at Cross Roads!
Our desire is to help everyone find joy in their journey by:
Inviting everyone to walk with Jesus;
Growing together as Disciples;
Serving others we meet along the way; and
Joyfully Celebrating the Journey!
As a United Methodist Congregation, we believe in the Trinity: God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that every person is created by and loved by God, and that sin disrupts and brings destruction to that relationship.
We believe we are reconciled with the loving God through Jesus Christ.
We believe that the church is the community of all believers, instruments in the hands of God.
We believe the Bible provides us everything necessary for our salvation.
We believe in God's salvation through love, compassion, justice, generosity and peace.
Further discussion of our theology can be found in the "Questions About Faith" section below.

Click on the links to the left (below) to learn more about what we believe in the United Methodist Church.
Questions About Faith